Bulletin from Arcane Crypto's Extraordinary General Meeting on 2 March 2023
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Bulletin from Arcane Crypto's Extraordinary General Meeting on 2 March 2023


The Extraordinary General Meeting of Arcane Crypto AB ("Arcane Crypto" or the "company") was held today on 2 March 2023, where the resolutions presented below were passed. All resolutions were in accordance with submitted proposals, which are described in detail in the meeting documents available on the company's website, investor.arcanecrypto.se.

Amendment of the Articles of Association

It was resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the Board of Directors, on amendments of the Articles of Association whereby the company's corporate name was changed to Arcario AB and the numbering of the paragraphs in the Articles of Association was revised.

For further information, please contact:

Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, CEO, Arcane Crypto AB

e-mail: [email protected]

web: investor.arcanecrypto.se

About K33

K33 is a research-led digital assets brokerage with investment services, helping clients across EMEA make informed decisions backed by industry leading digital assets research, enter the market guided by a multi-exchange brokerage service, and invest safely for the long term in tailored managed funds. K33 provides a unified platform where customers get access to Research, digital assets brokerages, funds, and structured products. The unified platform will be rolled out during Q1 2023. The platform can be accessed both directly by customers on k33.com and through distribution partners and asset management firms that have signed up to offer the K33 platform as part of their investment offering.

About Arcane Crypto

Arcane Crypto AB is a holding company with broad exposure to the digital assets industry. The Company holds 100% stakes in K33, a research-led digital assets brokerage with investment services across EMEA, Arcane Green Data, an environmentally sustainable Bitcoin mining operation based in northern Norway, and minority stakes in both Puremarkets Ltd (37.5%), an interbank OTC market for digital currencies, and LN Markets (16%), a Bitcoin exchange built on the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Subscribe to press releases and financial information: https://investor.arcanecrypto.se/

The Company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and Mangold Fondkommission is Certified Adviser.



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