Brain+ has convened an EGM to add a strong digital health industry profile to its board of directors
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Brain+ has convened an EGM to add a strong digital health industry profile to its board of directors


Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 8:45 CET – Brain+ A/S (Nasdaq First North: BRAINP)

  • Anish Shindore, a global digital health industry heavyweight with strong commercial and partnering experience as well as a vast DTx stakeholder network, has accepted to join Brain+ as new board member

The Board of Directors of Brain+ A/S (“Brain+”) has called for an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) to take place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The sole purpose of the EGM is the election of Anish Shindore, nominated by the Board of Directors as a new board member.

Anish Shindore is founder and managing partner of GSD Health, a company advising innovative digital health companies on how to grow and scale their business models, build effective go-to-market strategies to get new digital solutions out in front of patients, and expand internationally via value creating partnerships. Anish has more than 13 years of experience from leading roles in Big Pharma, which include positions in Health, Digital Commercialization and Digital Therapeutics at Biogen, Sanofi and Novartis. He has his core strength in Sales & Marketing and is focused on driving adoption of new health tech solutions for both better health care and corporate bottom-line impact. Anish has executed 30+ biotech/medtech-pharma partnerships, co-development agreements, collaborations and investments with healthtech companies.

Recently, he was part of and co-hosted a panel at the 2nd WHO symposium on the future of health systems in a digital era in the WHO European Region.

Motivating his interest in joining the Board of Directors of Brain+, Anish Shindore, new Brain+ board candidate, commented:

 “I am excited to join the Brain+ team and be part of this incredible journey. Brain+ has a unique position in the market, and I look forward to working alongside the talented individuals on the Board to further advance our mission "To restore patients independence and quality of life by treating cognitive decline in dementia with digital technology”. Together, we will continue to empower individuals to unlock their full cognitive potential.”

Anders Härfstrand, Chairman of Brain+’ Board of Directors, commented:                                   

Anish is an engaging and highly experienced health tech capacity with a deep understanding of the value drivers, challenges and opportunities that exist in the digital therapeutics field – and in particular insight into how to scale DTx businesses. He has a large global stakeholder network in digital health, and we are truly pleased that he has accepted to join Brain+ as another strong addition to our team.

Contact Information

Brain+: CEO and Co-founder, Kim Baden-Kristensen, + 45 31393317,
Certified Advisor: Keswick Global AG, + 43 1740408045,

Brain+ - Corporate mission: Bringing effective digitally delivered dementia therapies to those in need, serving a million people with dementia, caregivers and clinicians by 2030.

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Brain+ has convened an EGM to add a strong digital health industry profile to its board of directors

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