Bokusgruppen Nomination Committee’s proposals for AGM 2024 encompassing a new Chairman of the Board
The Nomination Committee of Bokusgruppen AB (publ) has decided to propose re-election of the board members Mattias Björk, Anna Wallenberg, Cecilia Marlow, Jeanette Söderberg and Patrik Wahlén, as well as the election of Patrik Wahlén as new Chairman of the board and the re-election of Ernst & Young Aktiebolag as auditor until the close of the next annual general meeting.
Mårten Andersson, the Chairman of the board, has declined re-election.
Information about the board members proposed for re-election can be found on Bokusgruppen’s website,
The Nomination Committee consists of Carin Wahlén (chair, representing Patrik Wahlén), Karl Perlhagen (representing himself) and Mårten Andersson (chairman of the board). The Nomination Committee’s complete proposals will be available on Bokusgruppen’s website,
Bokusgruppen AB’s annual general meeting will be held on 7 May 2024.
Further information
For further information, please contact Carin Wahlén, Nomination Committee chairman via +46 70 689 33 16, or Maria Edsman, CEO Bokusgruppen AB via +46 76 888 26 10 or
The Company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ), phone: +46 (0)73 856 42 65, e-mail:
Bokusgruppen AB (publ)
Box 2100, SE-103 13 Stockholm, Sweden
Lindhagensgatan 126, 5th floor, SE-112 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 10 744 10 00
Registration number: 559025-8637