BioStock: Elicera’s CEO: “TO2 is a highly attractive opportunity to increase ownership in Elicera”
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BioStock: Elicera’s CEO: “TO2 is a highly attractive opportunity to increase ownership in Elicera”

Following a strong 2024, this year has started on a positive note for cell- and gene company Elicera Therapeutics. In January, the company announced that the first patient treated in a study of the CAR T-cell therapy ELC-301 is now tumour-free. Elicera is now focusing on strengthening its financial position through the ongoing subscription period of TO2. BioStock reached out to CEO Jamal El-Mosleh to learn more.
– We have several important and potentially value-driving milestones to present throughout the year from both of our clinical programs, says El-Mosleh.

Read the interview with Jamal El-Mosleh at

This is a press release from BioStock - Connecting Innovation & Capital

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