Bergs introduces Timber Windows in Sweden

Timber Windows, a subsidiary of Bergs, opens two new showrooms in Sweden
Expansion plans are realized
In 2021, Bergs acquired the company Performance Timber Products Group (PTPG) in the United Kingdom. Timber Windows is one of the brands that was part of the acquisition and has now begun an international expansion with the first establishments outside the UK. Timber Windows currently has 44 showooms in England and has annual sales of approximately SEK 200 million.
Timber Windows is a unique concept for wooden windows and doors for the private housing market. The business is built around a local presence with showrooms where customers can see examples of different products, be inspired and at the same time get qualified advice from knowledgeable staff before deciding to buy new windows or doors. Production then takes place completely customer order-based to fit into the existing property, where Timber Windows also takes care of installation and detail adjustment.
Establishing in exclusive residential areas
As part of the upcoming international expansion, two new showrooms will be established in Sweden. One in Saltsjöbaden outside Stockholm and one in Hovås, south of Gothenburg. There are two places where there is a significant amount of culturally and historically valuable buildings, where the company's products fit in well.
“The introduction of Timber Windows in Sweden is completely in line with our strategy to expand the business in the Joinery product area. The brand and the customized services that are linked to the concept are well suited for expansion” says Peter Nilsson, President and CEO of Bergs.
Contact information
Further information concerning this press release will be provided by the President and CEO, Peter Nilsson, on telephone number +46 70 315 09 27 or Anders Marklund, CFO, 070-284 47 96.
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About Bergs
An international wood products Group
The Bergs Group consists of independent subsidiaries, with clear responsibilities for results, that develop, produce and market processed wood for various applications. With years of experience in wood and a great deal of competence in processing,
Bergs promotes building a sustainable society based on renewable raw materials from sustainably cultivated forests in the Baltic Sea region.
Operations are conducted in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and the UK, and the Group’s products are sold in some 20 countries. The largest markets consist of Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, the UK and France. The head office and Group management are located in Sweden.
The company’s share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.