Bergs and Wood Tube in innovative collaboration

Bergs becomes a part owner and industrial partner in the Värmland-based innovation company Wood Tube and provides the conditions for initiating production and marketing of a new innovative construction product.
Paper-based studs
The innovation company Wood Tube has developed a patented paper stud for the manufacture of interior walls and furniture frames. The studs are made of paper raw material and become an alternative to studs made of steel or wood. The product makes it possible to build more climate-smart, reduces construction costs and improves the carpenters' working environment. After a period of product development, certification and securing patent protection, the company is now ready for a more commercial phase.
Berg's role in Wood Tube
In this phase, Bergs secures the financing of a production facility for industrial production of studs. Bergs receives an ownership of 25 per cent in Wood Tube and will actively work to develop the company together with other owners and employees. Berg's investment amounts to approximately SEK 8.5 million. The commitment is completely in line with Berg's ambitions to develop and refine sustainable products from forest raw materials.
“We see great potential for Wood Tube where both studs, but also other applications may play an important role in the construction of the future. As a long-term owner, we will, together with Wood Tube, develop this into a successful company, says Peter Nilsson, CEO of Bergs Timber AB”
“With Bergs, we get a very stable partner, both financially and market-wise. They are used to developing companies, have important entrances to the market we want to focus on and possess expertise in industrial processes, which we believe will be valuable during our continued expansion phase, says Tobias Söderbom Olsson, CEO of Wood Tube Sweden AB. ”
Contact information
Further information concerning this press release is provided by Peter Nilsson, President and CEO at +46 (0)70 315 09 27, or Tobias Söderbom Olsson, CEO, Wood Tube Sweden AB at +46 73 715 01 55.
About Wood Tube
The studs are made of paper raw material and the product can be produced in varying dimensions for different applications.
Architects, builders and resellers of construction products have followed with interest the company's development and start-up, which has generated a great deal of attention for the in-house developed innovation.
A stud made of paper has many advantages throughout the construction process. For once it has a lower climate offset, and at the same time, carpenters get a better working environment when heavy lifting is avoided and the risk of cuts on sharp steel studs is reduced.
Om Bergs
En internationell trävarukoncern
Bergskoncernen består av en grupp självständiga dotterbolag med tydligt resultatansvar som utvecklar, producerar och marknadsför förädlat trä för olika tillämpningar.
Med mångårig erfarenhet av trä och med stor kompetens kring vidareförädling, bidrar Bergs till att bygga ett hållbart samhälle baserat på förnybar råvara från hållbart brukade skogar i Östersjöregionen.
Verksamheten bedrivs i Sverige, Estland, Lettland och Storbritannien och försäljning sker till ett 20-tal länder. De största marknaderna utgörs av Skandinavien, Baltikum, Storbritannien och Frankrike. Huvudkontor med koncernledning är baserat i Sverige.
Bolagets aktie är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm sedan 1984.