Bawat Water Technologies AB postpones the annual general meeting and publication of the annual report for 2022
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Bawat Water Technologies AB postpones the annual general meeting and publication of the annual report for 2022

Hørsholm, Denmark 17th April 2023. The board of directors of Bawat Water Technologies AB (“Bawat” or the “Company) has decided to postpone the annual general meeting and the publication of the annual report for 2022.

The annual general meeting on May 9, 2023, which was convened by the Company through a press release on April 4, 2023, publication of the notice in the Swedish Official Gazzette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) on April 11, 2023, and through an advertisement that notice had been made in Dagens Industri on April 11, 2023, has therefore been revoked by the board of directors. The reason for why the board of directors has decided to postpone the annual general meeting is that the work with the annual report for 2022 has taken longer than initially expected and it will not be finalized in time for the annual general meeting on May 9, 2023.

The new preliminary date for the annual general meeting is June 7, 2023, and the annual report will be published no later than three weeks before the annual general meeting. The notice for the annual general meeting will be announced separately.

For more information, please contact:

Marcus P. Hummer, CEO, E-mail: [email protected]

John B. Henriksen, CFO, E-mail [email protected]

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Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

About Bawat

The development of an entirely new approach to ballast water treatment utilizing onboard waste heat to treat ballast water led to the founding of Bawat in 2011. A ballast water treatment system avoids disposal of untreated water in seas and harbors.

Bawat's BWMS is a system that is simple, cost-effective, and sustainable, build on a zero environmental impact, using standard marine components. No filters, no chemicals no UV. And is the first to market a USCG/IMO Type Approval BWMS that uses pasteurization to treat ballast water in a one-pass process.

Bawat has built upon its innovative breakthrough, and now offers ballast water solutions to the maritime industry in three categories:

Ship BWMS ( for Retrofit and New Builds

Mobile containerized solution ( for multiple vessel usage in a port, on a ship or for rigs

Ballast Water as a Service ( for contingency services in ports

Bawat is an engineer-driven company that is rooted in the tradition of Danish maritime innovation and with a deep maritime insight:

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Press release - Postponement of AGM

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