B. Braun orders two DrugLog™ for new installations in Spain

B. Braun Medical Spain orders DrugLog™ systems for quality control of compounded medications in 2 additional hospitals.
B. Braun Medical Spain orders two complete DrugLog™ systems based on the new hardware platform for installation at additional hospitals in Spain. The DrugLog™ systems will be used to verify the identity and concentration of prepared injectable drugs before they are administered to patients and will contribute to increased patient safety.
Lars Gusch, CEO of Pharmacolog comments: "We are very pleased to deliver Pharmacolog's products to two more of B.Braun's customers in Spain. With this latest order from our partner B.Braun, there will soon be 8 DrugLog™ systems for quality control of pharmaceutical preparations operational in hospitals in Spain. This will reduce the risks of medication errors to the great benefit of both patients and healthcare professionals."