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COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT no. 11 - 28 February 2025

DFDS’ long-term incentives for management aims to link the remuneration to the enduring performance of the company, as reflected in the share price, whilst supporting retention of management.

Today, the Board of Directors have awarded Torben Carlsen, CEO, 36,180 RSUs (Restricted Share Units) and 188,679 share options, and Karen D. Boesen, CFO, 14,567 RSUs and 75,968 share options. In addition, a total of 174,512 RSUs and 625,767 share options have been awarded to a number of key employees.

The share options and the RSUs vest with 1/36 per month from and including February 2025. The share options may be exercised in the period from February 2028 until March 2030. The share price at grant and the exercise price are based on the volume weighted average share price of DFDS shares traded on Nasdaq Copenhagen on the five trading days immediately following the publication of DFDS’ most recent financial report to the time of grant. For the share options, 10% has been added resulting in an exercise price of DKK 116 per share of nominally DKK 20.

The total value of the award of the RSUs and the share options is DKK 41.6m, including the awards to the CEO and the CFO, calculated according to the Black-Scholes model.


Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59

About DFDS

We operate a transport network in and around Europe with an annual revenue of DKK 30bn and 14,000 full-time employees.

We move goods in trailers by ferry, road & rail, and we offer complementary transport and logistics solutions.

We also move car and foot passengers on short sea and overnight ferry routes.

DFDS was founded in 1866 and headquartered and listed in Copenhagen.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


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