Arctic Blue Beverages signs distribution agreement for the Japanese domestic and travel retail markets
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Arctic Blue Beverages signs distribution agreement for the Japanese domestic and travel retail markets

The award-winning Nordic Beverage Company Arctic Blue Beverages Oy has signed a long-term distribution agreement for the Japanese market with ID SHOJI Co.,Ltd. The distribution agreement covers distribution of Arctic Blue Gins on the Japanese domestic market and travel retail markets.

“I am thrilled to announce the great news from Japan. The signed agreement with ID SHOJI Co.,Ltd marks a substantial milestone for us on our ongoing expansion in the Japanese craft gin market – an expansion that now takes full wind in the sails after the challenges brought by Covid-19. The agreement covers distribution on both the domestic and travel retail markets, giving us the means to introduce our premium craft gins to a wide audience. As previously noted, Japan is one of our most important markets, where our unique craft gins are attracting attention. Nordic brands with a distinctive brand story have a great potential on the Japanese market”, says Valtteri Eroma, CEO of Arctic Blue Beverages.

The Japanese market has, during the recent years been experiencing a gin boom with an increased demand for premium and craft gin products. The risen interest in craft gins, have given birth to local and foreign brands experimenting with new unique and exciting flavour profiles and ingredients.

“It is an honour for us to be a sole distributor of Arctic Blue Gin in Japan. Now, gin is a trend in Japan, and we believe that Arctic Blue Gin can have a leading position in the craft gin market due to its unique tasting profile”, says Kagehisa Doi, CEO of ID SHOJI Co.,Ltd.

ID SHOJI Co.,Ltd is a company importing and selling premium spirits in Japan. When it comes to products in their portfolio, focus is on both quality raw materials and quality manufacturing methods, such as in craft spirits. Arctic Blue Beverages products are the first gins in ID SHOJI Co.,Ltd’s product portfolio.

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