Arctic Bioscience – Treatment start for 519 patients in the HeROPA-study
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Arctic Bioscience – Treatment start for 519 patients in the HeROPA-study

With reference to the stock exchange announcement from 17. January 2024 which reported that the HeROPA phase IIb clinical trial in mild-to-moderate psoriasis was fully recruited with the planned 519 patients, Arctic Bioscience are pleased to report that 519 patients are now dosed with the Investigational Medicinal Product HRO350 or placebo. After all patients have been dosed for 6 months, the primary endpoint will be read out.

The HeROPA trial is randomized, double blind and placebo controlled, investigating the efficacy and safety of the novel, oral drug candidate HRO350 for the treatment of mild-to-moderate psoriasis. The HeROPA trial is ongoing in 5 countries in Europe; UK, Germany, Poland, Finland and Norway.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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