Arctic Bioscience publishes 2021 annual report - Börskollen
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Arctic Bioscience publishes 2021 annual report

Arctic Bioscience AS has today released its Annual Report 2021, including the Board of Directors report and financial statements. The report and annual accounts were approved by the Board of Directors after close of business on 6 April 2022.

The report is attached to this stock exchange notice and available on the company website.

At 12:00 CEST today, the company will host a webcast to present the annual report and full year 2021 results, followed by a Q&A.

Webcast Details:

Arctic Bioscience AS FY 2021 webcast presentation:

Date: Thursday April 7, 2022

Time: 12.00 CEST

Format: Webcast and Q&A

Language: English


Participants will be required to register to view the webcast and participate in the Q&A.

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Arctic - Annual Report 2021-FINAL-spread

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