Arctic Bioscience - Invitation to capital markets update
Arctic Bioscience is pleased to invite investors, analysts, media and other stakeholders to a Capital Markets Update on 21 September 2022 in Oslo.
Presentations will be held by Arctic Bioscience management and external experts. The presentations and the following Q&A session will be held in Norwegian. The session will end with serving of a light lunch and mingling.
The event will take place at Flyt Conference Centre, Haakon VIIs gate 2 from 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
A recording of the event will be available on the company’s web site after the event.
To registrate your participance for the event, please send an email to Jone R. Slinning:
Tentative agenda
- Introduction and company presentation - Christer Valderhaug, CEO Arctic Bioscience
- Psoriasis symptom relief through Herring Caviar Oil - Dr. Kåre Steinar Tveit, Chief Physician Haukeland University Hospital
- Arctic Bioscience Pharmaceutical Development Program - Runhild Gammelsæter, Medical Director Arctic Bioscience
- Brain development in extremely premature infants - Smerud Medical Research - Knut Smerud, Founder & CEO Smerud Medical Research
- DHA, Alfa & Omega for The Brain - Ole Petter Hjelle, MD PhD
- Closing remarks & Q&A - CEO Christer Valderhaug, Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter, CFO Jone R. Slinning