Arctic Bioscience – Exercise of share options and issuance of shares
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Arctic Bioscience – Exercise of share options and issuance of shares

Daniele Mancinelli, CTO in Arctic Bioscience, has exercised 50.000 share options at a strike price of NOK 9,845 per share.

The Board of Directors will issue the shares, pursuant to authorization granted by the Company’s General Meeting on 5th May 2022. Following the capital increase, the Company’s shares outstanding will be 24.425.719 shares.

After exercise of share options and the issue of new shares, Daniele Mancinelli will hold 56.840 shares and 51.570 share options in Arctic Bioscience personally, and 76.180 shares indirect through 60% ownership in Futuron AS.

Notification of transactions by person discharging managerial responsibilities is attached hereto.  

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Act.

Bifogade filer

20230227 - Appendix 3 - Notifying Transactions - Daniele Mancinelli

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