Arctic Bioscience – Capital markets update - Börskollen
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Arctic Bioscience – Capital markets update

Today, Arctic Bioscience, a biotech company developing, and commercializing nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products based on the unique properties of bioactive marine compounds, host a Capital Markets Update in Oslo.

“During challenging times Arctic Bioscience has worked hard to stay on track with the development plan for HRO350, and we are now in a position to take the next steps in this development plan. We look forward to meeting with investors and other capital market stakeholders to give an update on the company and hopefully provide meaningful discussions”, says Christer L. Valderhaug, CEO at Arctic Bioscience.

Presentations will be held by Arctic Bioscience management and external experts. The presentations and the following Q&A session will be held in Norwegian. Presentation material from Arctic Bioscience attached.

The event will take place at Flyt Conference Centre, Haakon VIIs gate 2 from 10.00 – 12.00 CEST

A recording of the event will be available on the company’s web site after the event.


  • Introduction and company presentation - Christer Valderhaug, CEO Arctic Bioscience
  • Psoriasis symptom relief through Herring Caviar Oil - Dr. Kåre Steinar Tveit, Chief Physician Haukeland University Hospital
  • Arctic Bioscience Pharmaceutical Development Program - Runhild Gammelsæter, Medical Director Arctic Bioscience
  • Brain development in extremely premature infants - Smerud Medical Research - Knut Smerud, Founder & CEO Smerud Medical Research
  • DHA, Alfa & Omega for The Brain - Ole Petter Hjelle, MD PhD
  • Closing remarks & Q&A - CEO Christer Valderhaug, Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter, CFO Jone Slinning

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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