Arctic Bioscience – Approval of share capital increase - Börskollen
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Arctic Bioscience – Approval of share capital increase

Reference is made to the stock exchange release published by Arctic Bioscience earlier today 21 April 2023 regarding minutes from the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to increase the share capital from NOK 2 442 571,90 to NOK 2 536 955,20 by subscription of 943 833 new shares with a nominal value of NOK 0,10 per share, at a subscription price of NOK 17,27 per share, including a share premium of NOK 17,17 per share.

The new shares shall be subscribed by Ronja Capital II AS and the subscription amount shall be settled by set off against the subscriber’s claim on the Company according to promissory note.

Following the registration of this share capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, the Company’s share capital will be NOK 2 536 955,20 divided into 25 369 552 shares, each having a nominal value of NOK 0,10.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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