Anti-Financial Crime becomes part of Group Products and Advice
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Anti-Financial Crime becomes part of Group Products and Advice

In order to further increase Swedbank’s ability to combat financial crime, Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) will be integrated into Group Products and Advice (GPA), effective immediately.

“With this change, we will enhance our ability to integrate anti-financial crime security solutions into our products and services. We will also further improve the efficiency of our processes, which will create added value for customers and free up time in the bank,” says Kerstin Winlöf, Head of Group Products and Advice.

Sandra Almström will continue in her role as Acting Head of AFC and will report to Kerstin Winlöf.

“Swedbank aims to be at the forefront of the fight against financial crime. During the five years that AFC has been a Group function, our work to combat financial crime has become a central part of our entire business. Now we are taking the next step and integrating AFC, with its competencies and resources, even more deeply into our operations. This will enable us to take further steps to increase efficiency, improve quality and create an even higher degree of digitalisation," says Jens Henriksson, President and CEO.

With this change, the membership of the Group Executive Committee is reduced by one.

Charlotte Nilsson, Press Communicator, +46 76 543 6612 


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