Annual report confirms significant growth for Hypefactors - Börskollen
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Annual report confirms significant growth for Hypefactors

Announcement (Selskabsmeddelelse) no. 6-2021

Copenhagen, Denmark, April 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The board of directors of the media tech company Hypefactors has today approved the revised annual report for 2020. Key figures from the report are:

  • Revenue: 117% improvement
  • EBITDA:  196% improvement

The annual report confirms that 2020 was the best year for Hypefactors so far, despite the unexpected and challenging covid-19 situation. At the same time, the company continued to invest in the ambitious development of the company's software platform, which i.a. provides users with better and more data-driven national and international media intelligence and media reputation management.

The revised revenue for the period amounted to DKK 4.234m*, compared to DKK 1.950m in 2019, corresponding to an increase of 117%. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBTIDA) amounted to a negative of DKK 3.858m compared to 2019 which showed a negative EBTIDA of DKK 11.416m. An improvement of 196%.

ARR: Hypefactors reached an annual recurring revenue (ARR) of DKK 4.910m as of December 31, 2020, (2019: 2.760m) which is an increase over the last twelve months of 78%.

CEO Casper Janns comments:

"2020 was an exciting year for Hypefactors, where significant positive steps ahead were taken. Our AI-based technology continues to develop and improve and is on several important dimensions unmatched by any other solution in the world. The solid commercial progress and the increasing demand for an easier, more data-driven, and measurable approach to media intelligence and reputation management, makes us enthusiastic and positive about our ability to unleash the substantial international market potential."

*This is a correction to the expected non-revised revenue of DKK 4.380m DKK mentioned in company announcement no. 5.

Income Statement

DKK  2020 2019 
Revenue  4.234.0301.950.188
Work on own account recognised in assets  3.732.3254.348.947
Expenses for raw materials and consumables  -2.417.113-2.334.876
Other external expenses  -2.421.158-4.139.669
Gross profit/loss   3.128.084-175.410
Staff expenses  -6.986.366-11.240.547
Earnings before depreciation    -3.858.282-11.415.957

Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
Profit/loss before financial income and expenses  -7.708.536-14.514.282
Financial income  3.37227.570
Financial expenses  -2.346.427-226.375
Profit/loss before tax  -10.051.591-14.713.087
Tax on profit/loss for the year  776.423956.768
Net profit/loss for the year  -9.275.168-13.756.319

Balance sheet, 31 December

DKK  2020 2019 
Development projects in progress  11.852.51311.954.076
Intangible assets                        11.852.51311.954.076
Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment  93.24873.409
Property, plant and equipment  93.24873.409
Deposits  233.940229.854
Fixed asset investments  233.940229.854

Fixed assets
Trade receivables  896.440512.153
Other receivables  67.862334.983
Corporation tax receivable from group enterprises  847.056956.768
Prepayments  37.149244.711
Receivables  1.848.5072.048.615

Cash at bank and in hand

Currents assets
Assets  14.217.96414.306.397

DKK  2020 2019 
Liabilities and equity    
Share capital  866.884866.884
Reserve for development costs  11.165.82111.267.384
Retained earnings  -14.296.220-5.122.615
Equity -2.263.5157.011.653

Other payables
Long-term debt 296.748107.649

Credit institutions
Trade payables 3.491.3942.803.179
Payables to group enterprises  885.750830.280
Other payables  4.297.8301.714.632
Deferred income 3.509.7571.834.179
Short-term debt 16.184.7317.187.095
Debt 16.481.4797.294.744
Liabilities and equity 14.217.96414.306.397

Capital resources

The company’s capital base is strengthened after the balance sheet date. The majority of an existing loan is converted into shares through a capital increase, reducing debt, and strengthening the equity. Furthermore, to support the growth of the business, a group of investors committed to a private placement (capital increase) in combination with a commitment from Vaekstfonden (Danish state’s investment fund) to issue an ‘Investor Loan’ on attractive conditions. These events after the balance sheet date have a significant positive impact.


The demand for comprehensive media intelligence tech solutions is expected to continue to grow. Current turbulence and uncertainties surrounding the covid-19 related changes in macro-and microeconomic matters, make it difficult to release outlook scenarios with a high degree of certainty. The long-term market potential is expected not to be affected. The company is experiencing substantial interest in the market to access a media intelligence solution that is better, cheaper, or both compared to traditional press clippings solutions. The ambition for the current financial year is to continue to accelerate the business and to deliver a cash flow positive net result, understood as invoiced revenue exceeding operating costs.


The annual report for 2020 can be downloaded at


About Hypefactors A/S

Hypefactors is an integrated AI-powered Earned Media tech platform to support better media intelligence and reputation management. Hypefactors combine data, analytics, technology, and tools to provide a unified and easy-to-use experience. With all the tools to automate and ease the work, and all the facts to document the results. In addition to media monitoring across the different media channels, the platform provides access to a number of facts, incl. automated documentation of the monetary value and quality assessment of each third-party media mention. The platform also contains other time-saving tools such as automatically-generated media reports and a mobile app giving access to real-time media mentions. The company is listed at Nasdaq Growth Market in Copenhagen, Denmark.

For more information, please contact: 

Casper Janns, CEO: Tlf.: +45 20167481, e-mail:

Pierre André Montjovet, Chairman of the Board: Tlf: +41 (0)78 922 33 0, e-mail:

Hypefactors A/S

Kronprinsessegade 8B
1306 Copenhagen K

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Kapital Partner ApS
Jernbanegade 4
1608 København V


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