Annual General Meeting of Jyske Bank A/S on 30 March 2023
At the Annual General Meeting, the annual report and the financial statements for 2022 were approved.
The motions proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. items c (remuneration report) and d (remuneration to the Shareholders’ Representatives and the Supervisory Board) were both adopted.
The Supervisory Board's motion to the effect that the Bank be authorised to acquire own shares (item e of the agenda) was adopted.
The motion proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. item f.1 of the agenda (remuneration policy) was adopted.
Elected as new Shareholders' Representatives:
Electoral Region North: Anders Rahbek, Herning Brian Knudsen, Randers Dorte-Pia Ravnsbæk, Holstebro Dorthe Viborg, Sdr. Felding Gitte Søndergaard, Herning Jan Varberg Olsen, Aalborg John Vestergaard, Kruså Kasper Kristensen, Skive Maria Møller, Ans Marianne Fløe Hestbjerg, Holstebro Martin Romvig, Spøttrup Mette H. Pedersen, Viborg Per Christensen, Vodskov Per Strøm Kristensen, Lemvig Per Holm Nørgaard, Aalborg Søren Ole Nielsen, Herning Torben Abildgaard, Aalborg Torben Østergaard, Ikast | Electoral Region South: Birgitte Riise Bjærge, Silkeborg Carsten Gørtz Petersen, Højbjerg Charlotte D. Pedersen, Randbøl Christa Skelde, Horsens Claus Wann Jensen, Silkeborg Claus Jørgen Larsen, Silkeborg Helle Førgaard, Vejle Jan Frandsen, Silkeborg Lars Lynge Kjærgaard, Odense Line Nymann Penstoft, Hørning Lone Egeskov Jensen, Kolding Lone Ryg Olsen, Aarhus Martin Brøgger, Fredericia Michella Bill Rasmussen, Odense Niels Dahl-Nielsen, Silkeborg Peter Frederiksen, Odense René Logie Damkjer, Lystrup Steffen Damborg, Aarhus Susanne Hessellund, Esbjerg Søren Lynge, Vejle Thomas Toftgaard, Lunderskov | Electoral Region East: Annette Stadager Bæk, Ølstykke Dan Olesen Vorsholt, Tune Dorte Lodahl Krusaa, Jyllinge Hans-Bo Hyldig, Roskilde Merle Price, Kgs. Lyngby Peter Melchior, Slagelse Søren Saaby Hansen, Copenhagen S Thit Aaris-Høgh, Charlottenlund Thomas Løvind Andersen, Charlottenlund Thomas Kieldsen, Lynge Toni Øbakke, Greve |
The 23 Shareholders' Representatives who sought re-election were all re-elected.
At the General Meeting, no members were elected to the Bank’s Supervisory Board.
In addition, Ernst & Young Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected.
At the subsequent meeting of Shareholders' Representatives, Kurt Bligaard Pedersen (Copenhagen) and Rina Asmussen (Klampenborg) were re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board elected Kurt Bligaard Pedersen as its chairman and Keld Norup as its deputy chairman.
Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank
Contact person: CFO, Finance, Birger Krøgh Nielsen, tel. +45 89 89 64 44.