Annual General Meeting of Jyske Bank A/S on 21 March 2024
At the Annual General Meeting, the annual report was presented and the financial statements for 2023 were adopted.
The motions proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. items c (remuneration report) and d (remuneration to the Shareholders’ Representatives and the Supervisory Board) were both adopted.
The Supervisory Board's motion to the effect that the Bank be authorised to acquire own shares (item e of the agenda) was adopted.
The motions proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. items f.1-f.5 of the agenda (remuneration policy and motions of amendments to the Articles of Association) were all adopted. As the members in general meeting with a right to vote represented less than 90% of the share capital, an extraordinary general meeting will be called for the purpose of final adoption of the motions proposed under items f.2-f.5 as these all concern amendments to the Articles of Association. Notice of the extraordinary general meeting will be given in a separate corporate announcement and will be available at Jyske Bank’s website.
The motion proposed by a shareholder under item f.6 of the agenda was not adopted.
Elected as new Shareholders' Representatives (item g.1 of the agenda):
Electoral Region North: Carsten Bach, Lemvig Francois Grimal, Thisted Heidi Gundersen, Herning Carina Dahl, Randers Trine Wagner, Nørresundby Henrik Sørensen, Hjørring | Electoral Region South: Susanne Dalsgaard Provstgaard, Kruså | Electoral Region East: Carsten Park Andreasen, Greve Charlotte Nolsøe Gøttler, Charlottenlund Pia Marie Schougaard, Copenhagen S Jacob Nannestad, Rungsted Kyst Michael Thomsen, Slagelse |
The 19 Shareholders' Representatives who sought re-election were all re-elected.
At the General Meeting, no members were elected to Jyske Bank’s Supervisory Board (item g.2 of the agenda).
In addition, EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected under item h.1 of the agenda as well as new election of EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab under item h.2 of the agenda.
At the subsequent meeting of Shareholders' Representatives, Bente Overgaard and Per Schnack were re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board elected Kurt Bligaard Pedersen as its chairman and Keld Norup as its deputy chairman.
As Johnny Christensen, a Supervisory Board member elected by Jyske Bank’s employees, has decided to retire, Henriette Hoffmann, alternate member, will instead take over the position as at today’s date.
Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank
Contact person: CFO, Birger Krøgh Nielsen, tel. +45 89 89 64 44.