Annual General Meeting - Deadline for submitting proposals for the agenda
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Annual General Meeting - Deadline for submitting proposals for the agenda

Tivoli A/S’ Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 24 April 2025 at 1:30 pm CET at the Tivoli Concert Hall.

Any proposals for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting must be submitted no later than Wednesday 12 March 2025.

Any proposals must be submitted in writing to [email protected].

The invitations for the Annual General Meeting are expected to be sent to Tivoli’s shareholders by the end of March 2025.

Best regards

Susanne Mørch Koch

Contactperson: Head of Legal, Julie Koefoed: [email protected]


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Tivoli AS - Stock Exchange Announcement no 1 - Annual General Meeting in 2025 submitting proposals for agenda

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