Annual General Meeting 2023 of NKT A/S
Company Announcement
23 March 2022
Announcement No. 10
Annual General Meeting 2023 of NKT A/S
The Annual General Meeting of NKT A/S was held on Thursday 23 March 2023, cf. announcement No. 6 dated 1 March 2023.
The Annual General Meeting approved the following:
- Annual Report 2022 including the annual and consolidated accounts, the statements of the Management and Board of Directors, the auditor’s report, and reviews for the year including the Board of Directors’ proposal that no dividend payment is to be paid out.
- The Company’s Remuneration Report.
- Decharge of obligations of Management and the Board of Directors.
- The proposed remuneration to the Board of Directors, the committees and the working committee in NKT Photonics for 2023.
- The Board of Directors’ proposal to increase the authorisation of the Board of Directors to issue new shares with pre-emptive right for the existing shareholderholders
Jens Due Olsen, René Svendsen-Tune, Karla Marianne Lindahl, Nebahat Albayrak and Andreas Nauen were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. Anne Vedel was elected for the Board of Directors.
Pernille Blume, Stig Nissen Knudsen and Christian Dyhr continues as employee representatives for the Board of Directors.
PWC Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was elected as sole auditor of the Company.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors held after the Annual General Meeting, Jens Due Olsen was elected Chair of the Board of Directors and René Svendsen-Tune was elected Deputy Chair.
The Chair’s report and other documents are available at
Investor Relations: Michael Nass Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, Tel.: +45 2494 1654
Press: Pelle Fischer, External Communications Lead, Tel.: +45 2223 5870