Announcemnet from Loyal Solutions` Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting 2021 ("AGM") of Loyal Solutions A/S (NASDAQ: LOYAL (ISIN DK0061535507) ("Company") was held today the 25 October 2021 and the following resolutions were passed by the meeting.
Report on the activities of the Company in the past financial year
Peter Kisbye, CEO presented an oral report on activities during the past financial year. The report was unanimously adopted.
Presentation of the annual report with auditors’ report for adoption
The Company’s annual report with the auditors’ report for the financial year 2020/21 was presented and unanimously adopted.
Resolution concerning the appropriation of profits or losses as recorded in the adopted annual report
The resolution proposed, that the loss for the financial year 2021 of TDKK 9,781 is carried forward to the next financial year in accordance with the adopted annual report was unanimously adopted.
Election of members to the board of directors
Frank Hansen (Chairman), Morten Hershøj and Thomas A Klitbo were all unanimously re-elected to the Board of Directors.
Henriette Høyer was elected as new member of the Board of Director unanimously
Election of auditor
Beierholm Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR no. 32 89 54 68, was re-elected unanimously as the Company’s auditor
Correction of the Article of Associations
The proposed correction to the Articles of Association was adopted unanimously. Updated Article of Association are awaiable on the company website:
Complete minutes of AGM are awailable on the Company website: