Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program
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Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program

AcadeMedia announces the result of the company’s voluntary redemption program. The redemption program comprised a total of not more than 4,223,502 ordinary shares in AcadeMedia. Upon completion of the application period, a total of 4,095,867 ordinary shares have been submitted for redemption, corresponding to an acceptance level of approximately 97 per cent. In total, cash proceeds of approximately SEK 266 million will be distributed to the shareholders, corresponding to SEK 65 per redeemed share, to be paid around March 28, 2024.

Following completion of the redemption program, the total number of outstanding shares in AcadeMedia will amount to 101,697,599 shares, whereof 101,491,694 ordinary shares and 205,905 series C shares, and the total number of votes will amount to 101,512,284.5 votes.

Trading in redemption shares
Trading in redemption shares is expected to commence on March 14, 2024 and end on March 21, 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Hanna Clausén, IR
Telephone: +46 8 794 42 62

Jennie Thingwall, Legal Counsel
Telephone: +46 76 14 111 59

About AcadeMedia
AcadeMedia creates opportunities for people to develop. The 19,400 employees at our 700 preschools, compulsory schools, upper secondary schools and adult education centres share a common focus on quality and development. Our 198,000 children and students are provided with a high quality education, giving them the best conditions to attain both learning objectives and their full potential as individuals. AcadeMedia is Northern Europe ́s largest education company, with locations/facilities/presence in Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Netherlands. Our size gives us the capacity to be a robust, long term partner to the communities we serve. More information about AcadeMedia is available on

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6.50 pm CET.

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Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program

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