Alpha1H to be the first asset for the commercial collaboration
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Alpha1H to be the first asset for the commercial collaboration

Hamlet BioPharma - the pharmaceutical company with a strong portfolio of projects for the treatment of cancer and infections, announces today that the commercial collaborations with Top International Advisory Firms will start with the Alpha 1H Investigational new drug.

Hamlet Biopharma entered commercial collaborations with top international advisory firms to enhance partnering and strategic alliances. The collaboration has been initiated with the clinical stage oncology partnering asset with fast-track designation, Alpha 1H.

A teaser describing the commercial approach is published on Hamlet BioPharma’s website.

For more information, please contact

Catharina Svanborg, Chairman of the Board, Hamlet BioPharma AB, +46 709 42 65 49

Martin Erixon, CEO, Hamlet BioPharma AB, +46 733 00 43 77

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