AKVA group ASA: Sale of shares in Abyss Group to Arcus Infrastructure Partners
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AKVA group ASA: Sale of shares in Abyss Group to Arcus Infrastructure Partners

AKVA group ASA (“AKVA”) has signed an agreement to sell its 21.55% ownership in Abyss Group AS (“Abyss”) to Arcus Infrastructure Partners LLP.

AKVA's net proceeds from the sale of approx. MNOK 140 will result in a positive accounting gain. The sale will free up capital for continued development of AKVA’s core business segments.

The closing of the transaction is expected to take place during March 2025.

Dated: 12 March 2025
AKVA group ASA

Web: www.akvagroup.com


Knut Nesse Chief Executive Officer
Phone:+47 51 77 85 00
Mobile:+47 91 37 62 20
E-mail:[email protected]

Ronny MeinkøhnChief Financial Officer
Phone:+47 51 77 85 00
Mobile:+47 98 20 67 76
E-mail:[email protected]


This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements according to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication by Ronny Meinkohn (CFO) (contact details as set out above) on 12 March 2025 at 08:00 CET.

About AKVA group ASA

AKVA group ASA is a global technology and service partner that deliver technology and services  that helps  solve  biological  challenges within the aquaculture industry.  Good operational performance and fish welfare ensures sustainability and profitability for the customer.  This is the premise for everything we deliver, from single components to services and complete installations. In-depth aquaculture knowledge, extensive experience and a high capacity for innovation characterizes and enables us to deliver the best solutions for both land based and sea based fish farming.

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