Aker Carbon Capture ASA: Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting
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Aker Carbon Capture ASA: Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting

An extraordinary general meeting of Aker Carbon Capture ASA (the “Company”) was held today as a digital meeting with online participation. All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the meeting notice, including the proposed share capital reduction and the proposed dividend of NOK 5.80 per share divided as follows:

(i) NOK 4.82 per share shall be paid to the Company’s shareholders as of 7 March 2025 (as registered in the VPS as of 11 March 2025), and

(ii) NOK 0.98 per share shall be paid to the Company’s shareholders as of 25 April 2025 (as registered in the VPS as of 29 April 2025) or such other dates which are decided and communicated by the board, subject however to completion of the capital reduction.

The creditor notice period for the share capital reduction is expected to commence on or about 10 March 2025 and expected to expire on or about 22 April.

The minutes of the meeting are attached to this announcement and available on the Company’s website www.akercarboncaptureasa.com.

For further information:

Media and Investors: Mats Ektvedt, mobile: +47 41 42 33 28,

e-mail: [email protected]

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Bifogade filer

ACC - Minutes of EGM - 7 March 2025https://mb.cision.com/Main/20223/4116101/3307843.pdf

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