Aker ASA – Successful Issuance of additional NOK 200 million in 7-year Senior Unsecured Bond
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Aker ASA – Successful Issuance of additional NOK 200 million in 7-year Senior Unsecured Bond

With reference to the announcement 5 April 2024 regarding a new issue of NOK 300 million in a 7-year senior unsecured bond, Aker ASA has subsequently issued an additional NOK 200 million in the 7-year senior unsecured bond. The new outstanding amount is NOK 500 million and the bonds will carry a coupon of 3 months Nibor + 1.80% per annum.

Nordea acted as Sole Arranger for the subsequent bond issuance.


Investor contact:
Fredrik Berge, Head of Investor Relations Aker ASA
Tel: +47 450 32 090

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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