ABS – Granting share options to new CEO - Börskollen
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ABS – Granting share options to new CEO

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice on 13 January 2022 on the appointment of Christer Valderhaug as the new CEO in Arctic Bioscience AS (the “Company”).

The Board of Directors of Arctic Bioscience AS has resolved to grant share options to the new CEO, and Christer Valderhaug will on 1 March 2022 be awarded 250,000 share options, at an exercise price of NOK 17.798 per share. Each option, when exercised, carries the right to acquire one share in the Company.

The share options may be exercised when the share price is above NOK 31 for 10 executive trading days on Euronext. Duration of the options is set to three years from the start of the exercising period. Shares acquired from exercise of the options are subject to a 3-year lock in.

Following the transaction, Christer Valderhaug will hold 250,000 share options in Arctic Bioscience AS.

Bifogade filer

220301 Notifying transaction - acceptance of share options - Christer Valderhaughttps://mb.cision.com/Main/20422/3516214/1542348.pdf

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