A Year with Technical Breakthroughs, New Contracts and an Increasing Momentum
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A Year with Technical Breakthroughs, New Contracts and an Increasing Momentum


BeammWave AB's Year end-report for 2024 is now available on the Company's website beammwave.com/investors/financial-reports/.

Being the first in the world to successfully demonstrate Distributed Digital Beamforming during the summer was a key breakthrough. This achievement was followed in Q4 by the addition of two new contracts and a joint project with Saab.

Highlights during the fourth quarter

  • New Customers
    • BeammWave’s second customer - one of the leaders in the mmWave industry
    • BeammWave and Alpha Networks enters into an agreement to do a joint pre-study for the next generation Fixed Wireless Access products
  • BeammWave and Saab collaborate in a project for civil-military synergies with a SEK 4.1M innovation grant from Vinnova
  • BeammWave joins the XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF), a Japanese forum that aims to promote mobile services and the development of mobile businesses
  • BeammWave granted SEK 3M contribution from the Vinnova call “6G Research and innovation 2024”
  • The warrant TO 4B was fully subscribed, supported by a 3.1% guarantee, resulting in approximately gross SEK 27.6M

Highlights after the period

  • BeammWave strengthens its pioneering partnership with GlobalFoundries, collaborating with EXTOLL on SerDes. BeammWave will use the world leading GlobalFoundries® (GF) 22FDX™ process for its cutting-edge beamforming chips

Period October-December 2024
- Net sales was SEK 0K (0)
- Operating profit/loss was SEK -7,149K (-6,806K)
- Profit/loss before tax was SEK -6,990K (-6,442K)
- Earnings per share was SEK -0.30 (-0.49)
- Solvency was 89 (85) %

Period January-December 2024
- Net sales was SEK 1,066K (0)
- Operating profit/loss was SEK -23,202K (-20,991K)
- Profit/loss before tax was SEK -22,847K (-20,212K)
- Earnings per share was SEK -1.22 (-1.54)
- Solvency was 89 (85) %

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