#15 Dennis Jean-Jacques: The 5 Keys to Value Investing - Börskollen
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#15 Dennis Jean-Jacques: The 5 Keys to Value Investing

Dennis Jean-Jacques is a savvy investor and the author of "The 5 Keys to Value Investing". We discuss core concepts from the book, investment principles, and his lessons from decades of managing money. Jean-Jacques is President and Chief Investment Officer of Ocean Park Investments, an asset management firm based on the US east coast.

The episode was recorded on January 10, 2022. For more info about the podcast, go to the episode page.


Episode Chapters

(00:00) Intro to Dennis Jean-Jacques

(08:32) Intro to The 5 Keys to Value Investing

(14:31) Catalysts to drive stock prices

(19:28) Madame Index vs Coffee Can

(26:56) Investment horizon

(28:20) Insights on stock market evolution

(32:09) Small Cap vs Large Cap

(33:50) Business track records

(38:34) Importance of ROCE source

(44:29) Investment lessons

(48:47) The right stocks for the right investor

(52:22) Strategies at Ocean Park Investments

(53:28) Sustainable investments and disruption

(1:01:40) Investment principles

(1:06:03) Most common biases

(1:08:15) Emotional discipline

(1:11:23) Reading recommendations


Books Mentioned

  • The Innovator's Dilemma - Clayton Christensen
  • The Buffett Partnership Letters
  • Investment letters by Howard Marks, John Rogers, Bruce Greenwald, Michael Mauboussin
  • Creating Shareholder Value - Alfred Rappaport
  • Expectations Investing - Michael Mauboussin & Alfred Rappaport
  • The Last Liberal Art - Robert Hagstrom
  • The Psychology of Risk - Ari Kiev
  • Margin of Safety - Seth Klarman


More on Dennis Jean-Jacques

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-dennis-jean-jacques-3679abb

Ocean Park Investments: https://oceanparkinvestments.com/

Article on MOI Global: https://moiglobal.com/how-to-become-a-catalyst-and-milestone-focused-investor/


What is Investing by the Books?

Investing by the Books was founded by Henrik Andersson, Bo Börtemark, Mats Larsson and Michael Persson. It has published hundreds of book reviews in the past 10 years and operates on a non-profit basis.

Visit the website: http://www.investingbythebooks.com/

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Investbythebook


What is Redeye?

Redeye is a research-centered boutique investment bank from Stockholm. Founded in 1999, Redeye cultivates investors through timeless knowledge, a humble attitude, and a strong focus on quality.

Visit the website: https://www.redeye.se/

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Redeye_



Notice that the content in this podcast is not, and shall not be construed as investment advice. This information is meant to be informative and for general purposes only. For full disclaimer, visit Redeye.se

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#15 Dennis Jean-Jacques: The 5 Keys to Value Investing

#15 Dennis Jean-Jacques: The 5 Keys to Value Investing

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