9 estimates ahead of Verkkokauppa.coms report
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9 estimates ahead of Verkkokauppa.coms report

9 estimates ahead of Verkkokauppa.coms report

Ahead of Verkkokauppa.coms report (October 24) investors on Pinpoint Estimates expect revenue and earnings within the following weighted ranges:

Net sales: 107,7 och 114,9 MEUR
EBIT: -0,18 och 0,94 MEUR

The data is based on estimates from 9 investors.

Pinpoint Estimates is an open platform that compiles estimates from investors and analysts ahead of publicly traded companies' quarterly and annual reports. Contributors are given different weights in the consensus based on their historical accuracy.

Bifogat: https://pinpointestimates.com/se/stock/verk-null/quarter?utm_campaign=verk-null_interval_q324&utm_medium=finwire&utm_source=news
