Wyld Networks: Directed share issue of SEK15m, rights issue of units and a SEK15m loan - Redeye

Redeye provides an update on Wyld Networks’ decision to carry out a directed issue of shares and units, securing SEK15m in funding and targeting two new investors and one existing. Wyld has also decided to carry out a free-of-charge rights issue of units consisting of series TO4 and TO5 warrants to existing shareholders. Furthermore, Wyld has formalized a loan agreement amounting to SEK15m with the two new investors from the directed share issuance, Buntel and Exelity. Overall, we view the strategic direction of the financing favourably and estimate that it will take Wyld to break even. We have adjusted our fair value range to reflect the estimated dilution resulting from the directed share, rights, and loan issues. Our new base case is SEK15 (SEK20).
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/940163/wyld-networks-directed-share-issue-of-sek15m-rights-issue-of-units-and-a-sek15m-loan?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS