WirTek: Personalized IT-outsourcing going global - Analyst Group

WirTek A/S (“WirTek” or “the Company”) is an IT-outsourcing company that offers both software and hardware solutions. Through a differentiated portfolio of services in the two market segments software engineering services and electronic equipment services, the Company offers complete and comprehensive technology solutions to various types of industries. Through several strategic acquisitions and a newly adopted strategy called Accelerate25, there is room for the Company to show further growth and capitalize on inherent scalability and expand into new market segments such as cybersecurity where WirTek already has secured future contracts. A DCF valuation with a discounting rate (WACC) of 11.4% provides support for the relative valuation, where an EV/EBIT target multiple of 24x in 2023 is justified, which implies a potential price of DKK 18.1 per share in a Base scenario.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://analystgroup.dk/analyser/wirtek/