Stenocare: Long-term Sales Drivers are Intact - Analyst Group

In Q2-23, STENOCARE delivered a sales growth of 279% Y-Y, amounting to DKK 1.7m with a stable cost development. However, sales growth was under our expectations due to a delay from agencies regarding approval of new products as well as slower sales than expected in international markets. The delay is expected to affect sales growth for the rest of 2023 as STENOCARE’s balanced oil is expected to obtain approval in the end of 2023. This, in combination with other sales drivers such as entering the German market in Q2-23 and a potential launch of the Company’s premium products, is expected to accelerate sales growth from 2024. With estimated net sales of DKK 59.2m by 2025, and with an applied P/S multiple of 5x, a potential present value per share of DKK 10.2 (13.9) is derived in a Base scenario.
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