Stenocare: Capitalizing on the Growing Cannabis Market - Analyst Group

After entering three new markets in 2022, STENOCARE delivered products to a total of five countries during Q4-22, leading to net sales amounting to DKK 2.8m. This is the best revenues presented since Q1-19, before the resolved issues with STENOCARE’s former supplier, CannTrust, started. The Company has 11 products approved in these five countries and are expected to continue the geographical expansion. Operating on a market with strong expected growth due to further deregulations throughout Europe, Analyst Group believes that the Company is in a great position to deliver strong revenue growth going forward. With estimated net sales of DKK 60.4m by 2024, and with an applied P/S multiple of 7x, a potential present value per share of DKK 21.4 (21.4) is derived in a Base scenario.
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