Skolon: Prepare for UK expansion in '25 - ABG - Börskollen
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Skolon: Prepare for UK expansion in '25 - ABG


Sales less than 2m below ABGSCe 30m
EBITDA better than expected (SEK 0m vs. -1m)
Limited consensus estimate revisions

Q4'24 report

Skolon delivered net sales of SEK 28m (-6% vs ABGSCe 30m), corresponding to y-o-y organic growth of 18% (-7pp vs ABGSCe 24%). The gross margin increased to 37.5% (0.5pp vs ABGSCe 37%). EBITDA amounted to SEK 0m (+1m vs ABGSCe -1m). ARPPU came in at SEK 165 (-1% vs ABGSCe 166), as the number of paying users amounted to SEK 863k (0% vs ABGSCe 865k). The sales deviation is minor (less than SEK 2m), and it can be impacted, and explained, by the timing of new contracts on a quarterly basis.

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