SinterCast: Underlying result in line, reiterates targets - ABG
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SinterCast: Underlying result in line, reiterates targets - ABG


Sales +0%, EBIT +31% vs. ABGSCe, beat driven by FX revaluations
Underlying EBIT in line with our expectations, SEK 7.0 (6.1) DPS
Reiterates financial targets, '25 installations to exceed strong '24

Q4 results

Sales came in at SEK 36m (+0% vs. ABGSCe 36m), -1% y-o-y. Annualised EEs produced were 3.1m (-5% vs. ABGSCe 3.3m), -16% y-o-y. Sampling cups sold were 48,900 (+3% vs. ABGSCe 47,500), -19% y-o-y. Installation revenue was strong as expected. EBIT adj. was SEK 9.5m (+31% vs. ABGSCe 7.2m), for a margin of +27% (ABGSCe +20%). The EBIT beat was entirely attributable to better than expected FX-hedge contract revaluations in the quarter, and the underlying result was thus in line with our expectations. The company proposed a DPS of SEK 7.0 (6.1), for a yield of 7%.

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