Serstech Q4 2024: In it for the long run - Redeye - Börskollen
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Serstech Q4 2024: In it for the long run - Redeye


Redeye provides an initial comment on the Q4 2024 report from Serstech. The report was mostly in line with what could be expected given the quarter's order intake, with sales clocking in at SEK13.3m against our estimates of SEK17.0m. Quarterly variations will continue to be significant in the company, and a longer-term horizon is needed to evaluate the case. We expect to lower our near-term forecasts on the back of the report, although this will be mostly mitigated by our strengthened belief in long-term growth following the expansion of the sales staff, increase in R&D efforts, and the initiative to revisit all promising sales partners. These are action enabled by financial breathing room from the directed issue carried out in the fall, and they all seem credible in building business value that will last for years rather than quarters. Our fair value range is expected to be mostly maintained.

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