Risk Intelligence Q4 2021: In line with expectations and confirmed outlook for the case - Carlsquare

Today, Risk Intelligence published its interim report for the fourth quarter of 2021. Below is a compilation of our first impressions of the results including deviations from our forecasts that were made after the third quarter of 2021.
Net sales in the fourth quarter amounted to DKK 7.5 million, corresponding to a growth of 12.7 per cent. Our forecast was for DKK 7.5 million. The outcome was thus in line with our expectations.
Reported operating profit amounted to DKK 1.9 million, corresponding to a margin of 25.1 per cent and growth of a full 174 per cent. Note, however, that the levels are still low. Our forecast was DKK 1.0 million, corresponding to a projected margin of 13.3%. The outcome was, therefore, better than expected.
Net profit amounted to DKK 1.5 million, compared with our forecast of DKK 0.4 million.
Earnings per share amounted to DKK 0.13. Our forecast was DKK 0.04.
In the section for comments from the CEO, the company expects that 3-4 new contracts can be signed for the LandRisk Logistics application. This is clearly interesting as our case is based on strong growth in this area.
We intend to provide an updated analysis on Risk Intelligence shortly.
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