Relesys: Copilot to acquire all shares at DKK 6.60/share - ABG

37% premium to date of strategic review, 8% discount to last close
Equates to '24e-'26e EV/ARR of 4.0-2.4x; within DKK 3.3-9.0 FVR
Requests removal from Nasdaq within 2-3 weeks
Copilot to acquire all shares at DKK 6.60/share
Relesys tonight announced a binding agreement with Copilot Capital Limited to acquire all outstanding shares in Relesys for DKK 6.60/share. This represents a 37% premium to the share price on the day Relesys launched its strategic review (21 September 2023) but an 8% discount to the last close of DKK 7.20/share.
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