Realheart - Moving Forward - Analyst Group

More than 64 million people suffer from heart failure and only 7,000 heart transplants are performed each year. The problem is extensive and today there are no real sustainable solution for an artificial heart. Scandinavian Realheart AB (publ) (”Realheart” or the ”Company”) holds the world’s first unique and patented four chamber Total Artificial Heart (”TAH”), which mimics the human heart’s blood flow. Realheart intends to initiate their market launch during 2025, which is estimated to be followed by a rapid sales growth, with revenues reaching SEK276 M in 2028. Based on an applied P/S multiple and a discount rate, this yield a present value per share of SEK 13 in a Base scenario. Before market launch, we see several key value-driving activities, where steps in right direction should reduce the current valuation discount.
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