Q-linea: Q2 2022, progress with prospects and the US regulatory review - Redeye

In Q2, the first ASTar remains in the stage of expanding the lead prospect pipeline. Actual sales are likely to remain modest during 2022, and Q-linea has pointed towards delivering some 20 systems during 2022, which Thermo Fisher sells as the strategic partner. Q2 sales confirm this level of sales, and total H1 sales in our view, the cost base remains in line with the previous quarter. We do not expect any significant share price reaction from the Q2 results. Our value proposition is a base of SEK 180 (Bull SEK 230 and Bear SEK 90).
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/848517/q-linea-q2-2022-progress-with-prospects-and-the-us-regulatory-review?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS