Q-linea: Committs to a rights issue of up to SEK 225m and improves its pipeline of prospects - Redeye

Q-linea continues improving the pipeline of prospects of various stages, from entering tenders to close to the final contracts in Europe and the US. The OPEX base is reduced and stable at some SEK 36m before DA, but recorded sales in Q3 are limited to SEK 0.6m. Q-linea is undertaking a rights issue of up to SEK 225m that is guaranteed at 80% to secure access to growth capital.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/1051787/q-linea-committs-to-a-rights-issue-of-up-to-sek-225m-and-improves-its-pipeline-of-prospects?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS