Q-linea: A new SEK 50m OPEX reduction program - Redeye

Q-linea has announced a SEK 50m OPEX reduction ahead of the announced CEO change in 2024. Q-linea expects the total effect to be executed by mid-2024, and the restructuring cost will likely amount to SEK 5m. The program reduces the financial pressure. These savings allow Q-linea to support the European commercial launch support and the reparation ahead of the US launch of ASTar. Our Base Case is SEK 9 (9) with a Bull Case of SEK 30 (35) and a Bear Case of SEK 2 (1).
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.redeye.se/research/973072/q-linea-a-new-sek-50m-opex-reduction-program?utm_source=finwire&utm_medium=RSS