Proact: Better than pre-announced - ABG

Stronger end to Q4 vs the PW in Dec
Adj. EBITA 18% higher than guided for
Estimates up slightly today, share could regain some lost ground
Q4 details
Q4'24 pre-announced in Dec but today’s numbers are coming in better than guided: Sales SEK 1,269m (8% vs ABG 1,178m, no cons). Adj. EBITA 80m (18% vs ABG 68m), Adj. EBITA margin 6.3% (ABG 5.8%). DPS SEK 2.40 (1% vs ABG 2.37). Organic sales growth -7% (vs ABG -15%), of which system sales declined -12% (ABG -22%) and services 0% (ABG -4%). Ok OCF at SEK 207m (241m in Q4’24).
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