Ovzon: Encouraging SEK 132m expansion order - ABG

Signs SEK 132m expansion order from Swedish Space Corporation
New run-rate of ~SEK 250m is 37% above the previous run-rate with SSC
The SEK 132m to be paid in 2024 - much supportive to B/S and CF
Extended order from SSC
This morning Ovzon announced that it has received an extended SATCOM-as-a-Service order from Swedish Space Corporation (SSC). The order value is SEK 132m and means that the SEK 115m order from September has been increased to SEK 247m. For comparison, the previous contract with SSC was signed in Dec'23 for delivery in Q1'24-Q3'24 and was for SEK 135m, i.e. an annualised value of ~SEK 180m. The new run rate with SSC thus represents a 37% increase, although it should be noted that the expanded contract also includes additional On-The-Move satellite terminals (share not specified). Nonetheless, the positive order momentum continues, which we find encouraging.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/ovzon/equity-research/2024/11/ovzon---encouraging-sek-132m-expansion-order/