Össur: Consensus looking conservative for Q4'22 - ABG

Cons. expects FY'22 org growth of 3.8% vs. guidance of 4-6%
China reopening likely not a major cons. trigger
CMD expected in H1'23
Expecting slight upside to company-collected cons for Q4'22
Going into the Q4'22 report, we note that the company-collected consensus is looking for FY'22 organic growth of 3.8% (ABGSCe 4.0%), below the 4-6% guidance range provided by the company. One reason for the conservative consensus could be the speculation that the UK nursing strike might have had a negative impact in Q4, though the company confirmed during pre-close calls that no material impact had been seen. Looking at the EBITDA margin, however, we expect it to be slightly lower than cons (ABGSCe 18.3% vs. cons. at 19.6%) due to our slightly higher opex assumption.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/ossur/Equity-research/2023/1/ossur---consensus-looking-conservative-for-q422/