OssDsign: Full focus on Catalyst going forward - ABG
Small miss on underlying PTP in Q4
Higher non-recurring items than expected
Fair value range down to SEK 9-16 (9-17)
Another quarter with strong sales growth
OssDsign delivered another quarter with strong sales growth driven by its orthobiologics product, Catalyst. Total sales in Q4 were SEK 35.0m (+4% vs. ABGSCe SEK 33.5m), with Catalyst sales up 256% y-o-y, and +60.4% from Q3'23. EBIT adjusted for higher than expected non-recurring items (SEK -20.5m vs ABGSCe SEK -15.0m), came in 9% better than we expected, but underlying PTP came in 3% below at SEK 33.0m vs ABGSCe at SEK 32.0m.
Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://cr.abgsc.com/foretag/ossdsign/Equity-research/2024/2/ossdsign---full-focus-on-catalyst-going-forward/