North Media: Q2 figures better, but downgrades guidance - ABG

Q2: Revenues 5% above, EBIT of DKK 41m vs. ABGSCe 30m
Cutting EBIT guidance on new investments in SDR and Minetilbud
Consensus to lower '24-'25 EBIT by 20-15%
Revenues 5% above, EBIT of DKK 41m vs. ABGSCe DKK 30m
North Media pre-announced Q2 headline figures ahead of the full release due tomorrow, Thursday 15 August. Q2 revenues came in at DKK 351m, 5% above ABGSCe, with the former equating to 47% y-o-y growth (note that SDR was consolidated from Q1'24, however). Q2 EBIT of DKK 41m, equating to a margin of 11.7% (down 4pp y-o-y), came in above our estimate of DKK 30m.
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